5 Fold Marketing responds to positive reviews on behalf of your business. Here are some of the guidelines we try to follow for responding to positive reviews.

  • Respond within 48 hours: Being timely with your response shows that you are on top of your business and care about your customers.
  • Be genuine: Don’t respond to all reviews the exact same way. Try to vary your responses using the reviewer’s name and referring to the service they mention in their review.
  • Thank them for their business: Don’t underestimate the power that “thank you” holds.
Examples of good response to a positive review:


You'll need to respond to negative reviews on your business' behalf. Here's our tips and guidelines for responding to negative reviews.

  • Respond within 24 hours: Negative reviews should be responded to immediately. You don’t want to make an angry customer wait any longer than they have to.
  • Acknowledge their feelings & respond publicly: While no one want to hear negative feedback, it is important to acknowledge the user’s feelings, so it doesn’t come off like you are avoiding the issue at hand. Also, bear in mind that a negative review isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Nobody is perfect, and honest feedback from your customers can give you ideas on how to fix mistakes and make your business even better.
  • Take the conversation offline: Initially, you will want to respond publicly. Instead, do your best to take the conversation offline. You don’t want to get in a public battle with a customer. That will only make your brand look defensive.
  • Listen to their feedback & resolve the issue: If the customer is bringing up valid concerns, then you should work to solve those issues internally, so they won’t happen again. Do whatever you can to reverse the experience of the customer. About one-third of negative reviews turn into positive situations when you respond to them.
Examples of good business response to a negative review: